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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Review

Reviewed by on May 02, 2014
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Spider-Man is swinging high but often feeling low as he copes with demons from his past and new enemies in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Kidzworld saw it and gives you the lowdown in our review!

By: Lynn Barker

Ever have one of those days (or weeks) when you should be happy? You have a great “job”, great girlfriend but everyone in your inner circle and some newbies alike, are suddenly threatening you, all you love and everything you believe in. No? Then you are way luckier than poor Peter Parker and his alter-ego Spider-Man.

High above the city, Peter worriesHigh above the city, Peter worriesCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Deets on Dad

In a flashback, we see how Peter Parker’s scientist dad left Oscorp years ago with some secrets in tow. We see his struggle to keep his research secrets safe and what happened to Peter’s mom and dad right after they left the future young Spider-Man with his Aunt May (Sally Field).

Spider-Man/Peter in his room at homeSpider-Man/Peter in his room at homeCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Spidey is Livin’ Large

Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) has finally gotten control of his double life. With best girl Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) in his corner, Peter is making it work although he often disappoints her when he has to “Spidey-out” in the middle of something they are doing together, like their high school graduation where she is giving her valedictorian speech. Working on the streets of NYC, Spider-Man aids nerdy, lonely electrical engineer Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx) who really worships him.

Spider-Man hitches a rideSpider-Man hitches a rideCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

The Break Up

After barely making it to pick up his diploma at graduation and missing Gwen’s speech, Peter, who keeps seeing visions of promising Gwen’s dad to keep her safe by never seeing her again, is torn apart emotionally as he tries to keep his word and break up with her. She can’t live with his “hot” and “cold” behavior and breaks up with him first!  Destroyed, Peter puts all his time and will into Spider-Man, driving himself to the limit, shadowing her every day to keep an eye on her.

Peter and Gwen get seriousPeter and Gwen get seriousCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Buddies to Baddies

Max Dillon gets zapped with electricity yet survives to become the literal power-mad villain Electro. Peter’s old pal Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) reconnects with him. He’s horribly depressed because his dying dad Norman (Chris Cooper) told him he has inherited Norman’s genetic retro-virus illness and it’s deadly. Harry and Peter realize that the experiments Peter’s dad was doing for Oscorp involved “souping up” animal/human DNA. Harry needs the blood of Spider-Man to save himself. He has no idea that the “web-slinger” and pal Peter are the same guy.  When Spidey refuses to give his blood in fear that it will do more harm to Harry than good, Harry goes on a Spidey hate trip!

Peter Parker with Harry Osborn at OscorpPeter Parker with Harry Osborn at OscorpCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Reunion and Mega-Danger

While power-mad Electro sucks up power all over town, finally feeling like he is “somebody”, Peter and Gwen reunite but she has a decision. She might take an offered scholarship to Oxford University in England. Can he fight crime there? It’s Spidey Vs. Electro whom Spidey greets with “Yo, Sparkles!”.  With Electro subdued for a while, Peter investigates his dad’s notes to discover not only just how much his parents loved him but dad’s secret lab leading to a souped up spider venom stash. When Harry finds the stash, he injects himself with the venom turning into the dreaded Green Goblin!

Electro is power mad!Electro is power mad!Courtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Team Up

When Electro and the “Goblin” team up against Spider-Man, he just might finally be out-gunned. As the city is being destroyed, can Spidey beat his strongest foes with the help of his lady love Gwen?

The arrival of Green GoblinThe arrival of Green GoblinCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Wrapping Up

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 adds more comic-book-worthy humor to the mix. Spidey gets a cold and sneezes in his mask. Ewwww. He hums his own theme-song, calls villain Electro “Sparkles” and faces an angry Aunt May who keeps finding that her laundry turns red and blue every time he adds his “stuff” to the wash. This is combined with a deeply felt love story that puts Spidey/Peter and Gwen through a real emotional wringer. The real-life love of actors Andrew and Emma makes the chemistry pop!

Creepy Electro ready to use his powerCreepy Electro ready to use his powerCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

The look of the film is great, especially in Electro’s attack scenes and the very fast-paced editing moves everything along. Swinging through the skies with Spidey has never been this fun! I saw the Dolby-enhanced, 3-D version of the movie and it rocked. With the new Dolby-Atmos sound system, every line of dialogue came through crystal clear as did explosions etc.

Spider-Man vs. ElectroSpider-Man vs. ElectroCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

There are a lot of story threads woven throughout the film combining Peter’s emotional upheaval over learning more about his dad and struggling with his feelings for Gwen with two separate new villains, one, an old friend. Some of the ways the good guys save the day are a bit illogical and simplistic but hey, we’re talking about a make-believe comic-book hero here!

Gwen Stacy in danger!Gwen Stacy in danger!Courtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Acting is excellent with Andrew and Emma in the lead he amazing Dane DeHaan and Jaime Foxx are close behind as well as briefly-seen Paul Giamatti as Rhino. Sally Field, as Aunt May, has a few heavy scenes that are very powerful as well.

This latest Spidey movie is well worth seeing and would make a great date movie combining a wonderful love story with some kick-butt action, tragedy and good humor. We go 4 stars.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Rating: 4

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 PosterThe Amazing Spider-Man 2 PosterCourtesy of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is in theaters May 2nd!