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The Best Playstation Game Of 2013

Dec 30, 2013

Sony has Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita on the market all at the same time which means there are no shortage of games to play. Sony had a fantastic year bringing a wide assortment of titles to their platforms.

Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and Playstation VitaPlaystation 3, Playstation 4 and Playstation VitaCourtesy of Sony

Kidzworld shares their thoughts on 10 of the best games and awards one of them the overall Best Playstation Game Of The Year.

Terraria (PS3 / Xbox 360 / iOS / Vita / PC)


Some say Terraria is nothing more than a 2D Minecraft rip-off. On the surface level this may seem true. Okay, for the most part it's true. But in many ways, Terraria does things even better than Minecraft. Not to mention the 2D perspective puts a new (or old) spin on the formula.

Dig, craft, build, explore, survive, dig, dig, dig. If you've played Minecraft, you get the idea. Terraria is awesome and is worth a look for those that like to get lost in their games.

MLB 13: The Show (PS3 / Vita)

MLB 13: The ShowMLB 13: The ShowCourtesy of Sony

Sony's 1st-party baseball series is the best baseball game you can buy. No question. Featuring beautifully recreated stadiums, life-like character models and animations and a ballpark atmosphere so authentic you'll swear your on the diamond yourself. If your a fan of America's Pastime, check out MLB 13: The Show. You won't be disappointed. Read our review here.

Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons (PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC)

Brothers: A Tale Of Two SonsBrothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

Guide the two young brothers on their quest to find the "Water Of Life" and save their sick father. That's the basic premise behind this wonderful game. Brothers: A Tale Of Two sons is one of those rare games that will evoke genuine emotion as you guide the boys along their journey.

You control each boy independently. One with the left stick and the other with the left stick. It's a little awkward at first but once you get used to it, you'll be navigating the games environment-puzzles with ease. If looking for a more thought provoking puzzle/adventure game, check out Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons.

LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes (It's on everything)

LEGO: Marvel Super HeroesLEGO: Marvel Super HeroesCourtesy of TT Games

TT Games knocked it out of the park when covering Batman, Star Wars and Lord of The Rings, but they took all they have learned and made one of their best games ever with LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes. If you want local, couch co-op gameplay, you can't do much better than LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes. Read our game review here.

Resogun (PS4)

ResogunResogunCourtesy of HouseMarquee

Sony has been solid at offering gamers a wide assortment of great indie games to play this year. Resogun, on Playstation 4, is one of the stand-out titles. It's from the makers of the off-the-walls twin stick shooter, Super Stardust HD and it will have your eyeballs and thumbs working in overdrive as you attempt to "save humans" while blasting hundreds of enemies into beautiful particles. Read our Resogun Preview for more info on this addicting game.

Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)

Gran Turismo 6Gran Turismo 6Courtesy of Sony

"The True Driving Simulation" has been on the Gran Turismo banners for years and thankfully for racing fans Polyphony Digital delivers a racing game that can live up to advertising. With more cars and tracks than most racing games dare dream of offering, Gran Turismo 6 is the most content rich racing experience you can find on consoles. It also happens to push the Playstation 3 to the max, proving these ageing consoles still have some juice left in them.

Rayman Legends (PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U)

Rayman LegendsRayman LegendsCourtesy of Ubisoft

Rayman Legends is one of the best games of the year on any platform. Slick animations, gorgeous art direction and fantastic gameplay abound in this game. If you want insanely pretty graphics and a sense of humor wrapped around some of the tightest platforming action you can find, look no further than Rayman Legends.

Batman: Arkham Origins (PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U)

Batman: Arkham OriginsBatman: Arkham OriginsCourtesy of WB Games

Building on the rock solid foundation built by Rocksteady games, Batman: Arkham Origins gives us a glimpse of a younger Batman, before the times of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. This younger, less experienced Batman is about have the roughest Christmas eve of his life as assassin's from all over come to town in an attempt to take The Bats down for good. Not only a younger look at Batman/Bruce Wayne, but we also get to see a budding relationship begin between him and his soon to be life-long friend, Jim Gordon.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
(PS3 / PS4 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 / Wii U)

Assassin's Creed 4: Black FlagAssassin's Creed 4: Black FlagCourtesy of Ubisoft

When I was young, I used to pretend to be a pirate with my friends. We'd have epic ship battles across our backyards, wearing eye patches and all. Thanks to Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, becoming a pirate and sailing the open waters as never been easier, nor as much fun.

Featuring a massive open world, naval combat, deep-sea diving, hunting, crafting and more. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is one of the most entertaining experiences of the year.

Best Playstation Game Of The Year

Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch (PS3)

Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White WitchNi No Kuni: Wrath Of The White WitchCourtesy of Sony

Easily one of the best exclsuives Sony put out in 2013, Ni No Kuni is a masterpiece of an RPG. Studio Ghibli, the animation studio behind films such as Spirited Away did all the art for Ni No Kuni and it's simply stunning. Sometimes looking exactly like an anime come to life.

The story is a sad but touching. You play as Oliver, a young boy who travels to a parallel dimension in hope that he can bring his mother back from the dead. Along the way Oliver meets all sorts of colorful characters and foes alike and from time to time he'll have to battle it out. Thankfully Oliver is able to recruit the creatures he encounters, leveling them up like Pokemon and then unleashing them upon his enemies. What sets Ni No Kuni apart form other RPG's is its fun and hectic real-time battles. You're free to run around and dodge enemy attacks as you find their weaknesses, throwing out your own special attacks as you see fit.

Ni No Kuni: Wratch Of The White Witch Trailer


Featuring beautiful visuals, a wonderous soundtrack and a deep, thoughtful story. Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch is Kidzworld's Best Playstation Game Of The Year.

Have Your Say!

What was your favorite Playstation game of the year? Let us know in the comments below!