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White House Down DVD Review

Reviewed by on Nov 05, 2013
Rating: 4 Star Rating

The non-stop thrill ride WHITE HOUSE DOWN, available on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, DVD and Digital on Nov. 5. Read Kidzworlds review of the action packed DVD!

Two of Hollywood’s most sought-after actors, Channing Tatum and Academy Award® winner Jamie Foxx, team up in this explosive action thriller about a capitol policeman trying to protect the U.S. President during a hostile takeover of the White House. Featuring breathtaking action sequences and special effects, WHITE HOUSE DOWN also stars a top-notch supporting cast, including Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke, Richard Jenkins, Joey King and James Woods.  

John Cale (Tatum) pretecting President James Sawyer (Foxx)John Cale (Tatum) pretecting President James Sawyer (Foxx)Courtesy of Columbia Pictures

Capitol Policeman John Cale (Tatum) has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer (Foxx). Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.

The Bottom Line

There have been tons of great action movies made over the years about the American President and the safety of the White House - a symbol of democracy in the free world - and while White House Down lives up to the excitement of the genre, it might not be remembered as the best political action thriller there ever was. That being said, it's still loads of non-stop fun, with Channing Tatum providing some excellent eye candy, and Jamie Foxx portraying a cooler president than most actors who've taken up the role before him! For action junkies White House Down has all the elements to make it more than enjoyable (a story about an underdog saving the entire country's future? Who wouldn't love that!) 

The White House Down DVD comes with some fun extras - Tatum fans especially will love "Men of Action," which shows Tatum learning how to do all his own stunts for the movie. White House Down isn't exactly a must-own film, but it's definitely good for a day when you need an action pick-me-up!

Evading terrorists in the White House Evading terrorists in the White House Courtesy of Columbia Pictures

DVD Bonus Material Includes:

Four Featurettes:

  • A Dynamic Duo – a look at the chemistry between Tatum and Foxx and their dynamic on-screen presence.
  • Men Of Action -- Discover Tatum’s willingness and desire to perform his own stunts, as well as the extensive training required.
  • Roland Emmerich - Upping The AnteA look at Emmerich’s vision for the film.
  • Meet The InsidersShining a spotlight on the star-studded supporting cast.

White House Down DVD Rating: 4

White House Down DVD CoverWhite House Down DVD CoverCourtesy of Columbia Pictures

White House Down is now available on Blu-ray + DVD!