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Andi Unexpected: Book Review

Reviewed by on Oct 28, 2013
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Andi Unexpected by Amanda Flower is the first book in a new middle-grade mystery series following 12-year-old Andi Boggs as she solves a family tree mystery.

The first in a new middle-grade mystery series, in Andi Unexpected, twelve-year-old Andi Boggs, discovers evidence of her forgotten namesake - a missing relative, which leads her into a family mystery rooted in the Great Depression. Find out more in the Kidzworld Preview for Andi Unexpected!

Family Tragedy 

Andi Unexpected quickly turns into a mystery, but the novel opens with tragedy: twelve-year-old Andora “Andi” Boggs and her fourteen-year-old sister Bethany are forced to move to rural Ohio to live with their eccentric twenty-something aunt after the sudden death of their parents, and while dealing with one kind of depression, Andi stumbles onto some information about relative living in The Great Depression, a relative that has a lot in common with her (her name for starters.)

Andi UnexpectedAndi Unexpected Book CoverCourtesy of Zondervan

Family Tree Mystery 

Andi discovers proof of her namesake Andora Boggs in the family tree whose existence was hidden in a Depression-era trunk in the attic, but she needs embark on some serious sleuthing to get more information about her long-lost relative and what happened to her. Luckily Andi isn't alone in her search, her move to Ohio may have started with tragedy but she's found a new friend in her new rural setting in the form of her neighbor Colin Carter. With Colin's help Andi is determined to find out everything she can about the original Andora and the mystery surrounding her life...and death.

Andi Unexpected

If you're the kind of reader who's  a sucker for page-turners, mysteries, and detective stories, then Andi Unexpected is a good bet for you - it even has a good amount of history thrown in since Andi is set on researching the events of The Great Depression and what it meant to her family, and the whole town they lived in. If you're looking to pick up tips on how to solve mysteries, following Andi's adventure is a great way to start.

Andi Unexpected Book Rating: 4

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