Teletoon's brand new animated series Camp Lakebottom follows a group of kids as they set out for the best summer for their lives at the most dangerous (and exciting) summer camp you can imagine!
Camp Lakebottom
The Camp Director is a monster, the lake is called Ickygloomy and the oatmeal has a life of its own, but that doesn't stop Camp Lakebottom from being the best camp ever! Especially if you have a taste for the unexpected... Camp Lakebottom follows the adventures of 12-year-old prankster McGee and his summer at the most dangerous – and exciting – summer camp in the world. The cabins are run down, the lake is toxic, the forest creatures are mutants and the counsellors are a freak show, but McGee and his friends Gretchen and Squirt are having the time of their lives. The only thing they could do without is that snooty kid, Buttsquat, from the squeaky clean rival camp across the lake.
McGee - McGee is easy going to a fault, and has an almost supernatural amount of confidence, always searching for the next thrill and never planning ahead, you know things won't be boring when he's around. The only thorn in his side is Buttsquat, the squeaky clean kid from Camp Sunny Smiles, the rival camp across the lake.
Gretchen - Gretchen is no girly-girl, she's the toughest kid at Camp Lakebottom and serves up her kung fu high kicks with a side of sass. She's also the voice of reason in the crew, and uses her top notch fighting skills to get them out of trouble.
Squirt - Loveable and innocent, Squirt is McGee's BFF. He's a true nature-lover with a knack for befriending unlikely animals. His big heart is what keeps him out of trouble!
Buttsquat - When it comes to snobs, Buttsquat takes the cake, and the only thing on his agenda is taking down McGee. His family owns Sunny Smiles, and he'll do whatever it takes to make the campers at Lakebottom regret their stay! Obsessedwith high tech gadgets, his plans rarely suceed due to McGee, Squirt and Gretchen.
Check out the promo trailer for Camp Lakebottom below, which kicks off July 4th at 6:30 PM on Teletoon!
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