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Celebs in Stars and Stripes 2013

Jul 03, 2013

Some of our fave celebs are very patriotic. Check out their unique American-inspired outfits, just in time for July 4th.

Justin Bieber

Justin BieberJustin BieberCourtesy of Justin Bieber

Just because Justin Bieber is Canadian doesn’t mean he can’t show America some love.

Kate Bosworth

Kate BosworthKate BosworthCourtesy of Kate Bosworth

Kate Bosworth looks effortlessly patriotic in her music festival outfit.


Ke$haKe$haCourtesy of Ke$ha

Ke$ha wears an American flag top on stage.

Katy Perry

Katy PerryKaty PerryCourtesy of Katy Perry

Katy Perry rocked an American flag dress at one of her concerts.

Lady Gaga

Lady GagaLady GagaCourtesy of Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga goes all out for America with her two-piece outfit and bandana.

Spencer and Heidi Pratt

Spencer and Heidi PrattSpencer and Heidi PrattCourtesy of Spencer and Heidi Pratt

Spencer and Heidi Pratt wear matching USA outfits for July 4.

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