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Kidzworld Kitchen: End of School Year BBQ

May 28, 2021

The end of another school year is just around the corner and it’s time to kick off the summer fun with these recipes!

Summer is an exciting time filled with vacations, sports, sleeping in, and outdoor adventures so before everyone dashes off into different directions why not plan an end of summer BBQ for all your friends. Everybody loves hamburgers so this recipe for a cheese stuffed beef patty is a guaranteed hit! Put out an assortment of toppings and let your guests create the perfect burger! For dessert these chocolate and vanilla cupcake “hamburgers” are really cool and easy to make.

End of School Year BBQ Party!End of School Year BBQ Party!

Inside-Out Cheeseburgers


  • 1 lb of extra lean ground beef
  • 1/2 med minced onion
  • ¼ cup of BBQ sauce (see recipe below)
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 tsp of seasoning salt
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup cornmeal
  • 8-10 slices of your favorite cheese (cheddar or blue cheese work great)

Layer the cheese between two pattiesLayer the cheese between two patties


  1. In a large bowl combine raw ground beef with all the ingredients
  2. Mix thoroughly (Hint! The absolute best way to do this is with your hands so either scrub up or pick up some food safe latex gloves)
  3. Divide meat mixture into equal portions and form into balls
  4. Press a piece of cheese into the center of the ball and then flatten to form a patty (Hint! Be sure to press them well or your burgers might break apart)
  5. Lay finished patties onto wax paper and hand off to dad for grilling!

Inside-Out CheeseburgerInside-Out Cheeseburger

Hamburger Cupcakes


  • White cake mix
  • Chocolate cake mix
  • 2 cans of vanilla cake frosting
  • Red/green/yellow food colouring
  • Sesame seeds
  • Shredded coconut
  • Toothpicks
  • 6 large eggs
  • Vegetable oil (as per cake mix instructions)


  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Bake vanilla cupcakes according to instructions on the box, do not use cupcake liners (Hint! Without using liners you will have to well grease the cupcakes wells to prevent sticking
  3. Bake chocolate cupcakes according to instructions on the box, do not use cupcake liners
  4. When vanilla cupcakes are cool, cut them in half horizontal-wise with a serrated knife to create the “bun.”
  5. When chocolate cupcakes are cool, cut them in half horizontal-wise and save the cupcake top as the “meat.” You can discard the bottom
  6. Use ample amounts of food coloring to mix a batch of red icing (“ketchup”) and another batch of yellow icing (“mustard”)
  7. Pour some of the coconut in a bowl and pour a few drops of green food coloring in it. Stir with a fork until the coconut is light green in color like “lettuce
  8. Lightly dampen burger “lids” with water and sprinkle with sesame seeds so they stick a little
  9. To create the burger layers put red icing on the bottom bun, then add the “meat,” then add the yellow icing, then sprinkle the lettuce on top, then add the lid
  10. Finish by using a cocktail toothpick to keep it all together!

Hamburger CupcakesHamburger Cupcakes

Remember, be creative, have fun and above all, safety first! Always talk to the adult in charge before you get your chef on! Happy cooking summer breakers!

Recipes courtesy of Love Sugar Cakes