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Science: Sun Facts!

Jun 13, 2013

We all enjoy the sun in the summer, but how much do you really know about that ball of fire in the sky? Check out these Sun Facts!

There could be no life on earth without the sunThere could be no life on earth without the sun

Did You Know...

  • The sun is the closest star to the earth
  • The sun is one out of billions of stars
  • The sun is a "middle-aged" star - meaning it's at the middle of it's life
  • its diameter is 870, 000 miles wide
  • Without the sun there could be no life on earth (just think of all the plants and animals that need it to grow!)
  • The sun's surface is called the photosphere
  • It is 109 times wider than earth
  • Looking directly at the sun can damage your eyes because the light is so bright

The sun is the largest mass in our solar systemThe sun is the largest mass in our solar system
  • The sun is the largest mass in our solar system
  • The larger a star is, the hotter it's temperature
  • The temperature of the photosphere is roughly 100, 000 Fahrenheit
  • Over 1 million earths could fit inside the sun
  • In ancient times people thought the sun was a ball of fire created by the gods, the Ancient Greeks called it Helios and Ancient Romans called it Sol
  • The sun is around 4.5 billion years old
  • The sun has a strong magnetic field - it extends beyond Pluto!
  • Areas called sunspots, that are darker are actually cooler than the rest of the sun
  • Early astronomers though that the sun revolved around the earth

The sun's surface The sun's surface

Have Your Say

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