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Top 10 Most Exciting Moments in Sports

May 30, 2013

The biggest reason people watch sports is for the excitement. Whether it's your favorite player scoring goals, the home team coming from behind to win the Championship, or another great story of teamwork, sportsmanship and overcoming adversities, there will always be an exciting story in sports. Here are the Top 10 Most Exciting Moments in Sports:

No. 10 - Rudy

Daniel Eugene "Rudy" Ruettiger played only a few seconds in a college football game that didn't mean anything, however those seconds were so exciting for Rudy and everyone who knew him, they had to make a movie about it. Rudy spent most of his life with the dream of playing for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish and it almost never happened, until the last two plays of the season... the coach let him play!

No. 9 - Surfing a 100 foot wave

Garrett McNamara is well-known for riding waves big enough to knock over Godzilla, and in 2013 he broke his own record by surfing a World-Record 100 Foot Wave. It's always exciting when Garrett goes surfing!

No. 8 - Jimmy Connors Rally

Jimmy Connors was well-known for his amazing tennis rallies and never-give-up hard work, so it's hard to choose just one rally... hmmm, actually it's not hard at all... this one is the best!

No. 7 - 1970 Italy beats West Germany 4-3

Soccer games are usually low scoring and this game was until extra time. With the teams tied 1-1, Italy and West Germany alternated scoring goals in the two 15-minute extra time period with 5 goals. The winner would go to the World Cup Finals... It was pandemonium!

No. 6 - Michael Phelps 8 Gold Medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics

The most exciting event for Michael Phelps was when he came from behind trying to win his 7th gold medal. He ended up winning by only a 100th of a second and it's mind-boggling how he finished before the guy who was winning... check it out:

No. 5 - Boston Red Sox Comeback

Not only did the Boston Red Sox come back from being down 0-3 in the series to the New York Yankees, but they went on to win the 2004 World Series... the first time in 86 years.

No. 4 - Tracy McGrady 13 pts in 33 seconds

It wasn't a big game, but Tracy McGrady decided to play God for one night on the basketball court. With his team down big, Tracy pulls off one of the most amazing last-second comebacks ever... single-handed. 

No. 3 - New York Giants Steal Super Bowl

The New England Patriots had a perfect regular season and they were only minutes away from making it a perfect post-season leading in the Super Bowl against the New York Giants. Eli Manning kept his cool and managed to make miracle plays like this one to lead the Giants to one of the most thrilling Super Bowls ever!

No. 2 - 1987 Canada Cup

Team Canada was on the verge of losing to the Russians at their own Canada Cup tournament in 1987 until Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux finished off one of the most exciting hockey games ever, by scoring with only seconds left.

No. 1 - Manchester United 1999

One of the reasons why Manchester United has so many fans has something to do with the 1999 season. It wasn't just one game but Man U came back time and time again to win the three major championships.

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