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Dieting Advice - Eating Tips

Sep 12, 2017

Kidzworld users recently asked some questions about losing weight, dieting and healthy eating. Eating properly and maintaining a healthy weight are extremely important for kids who are growing and going through major changes to their body, mind and emotions. Here's a look at some answers to some common questions relating to healthy eating and exercising.

How Many Calories Should I Be Eating?

"I have been trying to lose weight lately but I still eat between 1700-2200 calories a day. I don't exercise excessively and I don't need to eat much more. If I do eat more, how can I still lose weight?"

Before you worry about how many calories you're eating or how much weight you should be losing, you should talk to a doctor. He or she can help you figure out what your healthy weight is and help you set goals to safely lose weight. You should also focus on where you're getting your calories from. It's not healthy if all your calories are coming from junk food. The best way to stay at a healthy weight is to exercise regularly and eat a variety of healthy foods from all four food groups.

I Love Chocolate

"I have been dieting and I exercise a fair amount but I am barely at a healthy weight. I have been cutting down on sugar and carbohydrates, but I love chocolate. Do you have any healthy chocolate substitutes?"

Join the club - almost everyone loves chocolate. There are chocolate substitutes made out of stuff like carob but they don't taste nearly as good as real chocolate and aren't any better for you. The best thing you can do is enjoy chocolate when you do eat it but don't eat it all the time. When you get those chocolate cravings, grab something healthy like an apple or a banana.

I'm Not Getting My Period!

"I have been trying to lose weight lately and I haven't got my period for three months. I have had it regularly once a month for almost three years and I'm a virgin so I know I am not pregnant."

When a girl misses three or more of her periods in a row, it is called secondary amenorrhea. Kids and teenagers usually get amenorrhea from losing lots of weight, not eating properly, exercising too much or from stress. It can also be caused by a change in environment, such as moving to a new school. These things all affect hormones which, in turn, affect a girl's menstrual cycle. You can get your period to come back by easing up on the amount you exercise or by eating a balanced diet. If you miss four periods or more in a row than you should go see a doctor.

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