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Top 5 April Fools Day Prank Videos

Apr 01, 2019

April Fools Day is a day full of hilarious fun, and it's the one day of the year that you're allowed to get a prank in on your loved ones. Some people have caught the pranks on video to preserve those moments forever on YouTube. Here are the Top 5 April Fools Day Prank Videos!

Top 5 April Fools Day Prank VideosTop 5 April Fools Day Prank VideosCourtesy of Youtube

No. 5: Kitchen Sink Shower

This is the oldest trick in the book, but little kids don't know about it yet.



No. 4: Monster for Mom

Notice how this kid is almost 7 feet tall. That helps when impersonating a monster.

No. 3: Magic Trick

Love in Australia is a bit different than it is in America.


No. 2: Shaving Cream Pie

OK... this is the oldest prank in the book, but this guy adds a bum slap to enhance the results.


No. 1: Scientist Humor

Science is usually hours of boring tedious work... but for the 1 billi-second of humor it can provide, it's totally worth it.


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