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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Free Sickles and Beans :: Game Cheats

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Stuck in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, PC or Gameboy? Kidzworlds Gary has all the cheats, codes, hints, tips and secrets for you to win!

Harry Potter is back in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the Playstation 2, Gamecube, Xbox, Game Boy and PC. That's right, Harry Potter isn't just a hit movie, it's also a wicked series of games from Electronic Arts. The new Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets games let you take control of Harry Potter and head to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for second year classes. Kidzworld's Gary is here to help you out with cheat codes, hints, tips, secrets and walkthroughs for Harry Potter on all the big consoles. Check 'em out and see if you can find something that'll help you out!

If you're playing the Playstation 2, Xbox or Gamecube version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets then you're playing the same game. There are a few minor differences between the four games but nothing serious. The good news is that these Harry Potter game cheats and hints work on all of those games! The PC version of Harry Potter is different though, the biggest change is that you can't get into Diagon Alley at all - you start right at Hogwarts!


Famous Witches and Wizards Cards

The Famous Witches and Wizards Cards are back again! There are tons of cards and they're divided into Bronze, Silver and Gold. There are 50 Bronze cards, 40 Silver and 10 Gold, but you can't get any Gold cards until you get all 40 Silver cards. Here are a few places to get cards:
  • Chests in the Burrow and Diagon Alley have Wizard Cards in them.
  • You can win cards for free by playing Gnome Dunking at Neville's games. You can also get them from Broom Racing and Gnome Tossing but you have to pay to play those.
  • Free cards and you get to play games. Not bad!


    Free Sickles!

    All you need to do to get all the sickles you'll ever need is head to Diagon Alley. Once you're there, and you have your Grade 2 Standard Book of Spells, you can break barrels with Flipendo. Now follow these steps:
  • #1 Head into an alley, break the barrels, pick up the stuff.
  • #2 Go into a store.
  • #3 Leave the store.
  • #4 Go back to #1.
  • Do this as often as you'd like to pick up tons of extra sickles!


    Bertie Botts Ever Flavor Beans

    Want unlimited free beans? Here are two cool Harry Potter game cheats that'll get you all the beans you can handle:
  • Early on, in the barn at Ron's house, is a tool chest. Every time it moves on its own, shoot it with Flipendo to get more beans.
  • When you exit the Gryffindor Tower look for an object in the corner. Flipendo it and you'll get three beans. Go around the corner and walk a few steps away. Come back and zap it again for more beans. Do this as often as you want for all the beans you'll ever need.

  • 1

    Bertie Botts Bean Bags

    Now that you have oodles of Beans, you need to store them in Bertie Botts Bean Bags and here's how to get them!
  • 100 Bean Bag: Near the Defense Against the Dark Arts class on the third floor is a chest covered in ectoplasm behind a tapestry. Use the scissors spell to get to the chest, then cast Skurge on it for the Bean Bag.
  • 200 Bean Bag: Once you've collected all the items for every student at Hogwarts, the last one will give you a key to the confiscated item room. In there you'll find some Wizards cards and the Bean Bag.

  • 1In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets you can also get more Bertie Botts beans by using Flipendo on some of the armor in the classrooms and on the gargoyle heads on the roof.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Redone
    Age: 10

    We're not finished yet! Now that you know how to pick up all the goodies in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets it's time to find out how to beat the bosses. Click Here for the second page of cheats!

    Don't forget, if you have any questions you can for answers!

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