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Dear Dish-it: Am I Cool?

Feb 28, 2013

Dear Dish-it,

I don't think I'm cool. I have lots of friends, and even a girlfriend. Does that make me cool?

Questionably Cool

Dear Questionably Cool,

Being cool is determined by your state of mind, and it affects how other people perceive you. You don't have to look a certain way or dress in fashionable clothes or have a bad attitude. All you really need is confidence. But that has to come from inside of you. So you need to change your thoughts. Stop telling yourself that you're not cool. Instead, tell yourself that you're a good person, surround yourself with positive people and don't worry about what other people think of you.

What Does Cool Look Like?

Consider the kids at school who are considered cool. There's probably a wide range of looks and body types and personalities. What makes them cool? Likely it's because they're confident and outgoing and they have a lot of friends. Well, you already have the friends part down. Now you just need the confidence.

Remember What's Important

Keep in mind, though, that being cool is not what life is about. The fact that you have a great group of friends and a girlfriend should be enriching enough. Always be yourself and don't try to fit into someone else's mold of what cool or popular looks like. In other words, embrace who you are. If the "cool kids" don't think you're cool, then they're not the type of people you should be surrounding yourself with anyway. However, if your friends and your girlfriend and all the people who love you think you're cool, then, my friend, you've already won.

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