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The Vampire Diaries: Season 4, Episode 14 :: Down the Rabbit Hole

Feb 15, 2013

This week on The Vampire Diaries, the hunt is on for the cure. See what you missed on Kidzworld’s recap of “Catch Me If You Can“, which aired February 14th, 2013.

One Cure

[kwlink 27887]Elena, Stefan and Rebekah[/wklink] are having trouble finding the cave, so they call Caroline to ask her to get a sword from Klaus. They are hopeful it will have directions to the cave. She does this easily enough, but then they discover that it has a cryptex that only Klaus can decipher. Apparently it says that there is only one dose of the vampire cure. The cure was created by a witch who intended it to be used once by Silas.

When Elena realizes that Stefan wants to take the cure for himself – he has never wanted to be a vampire – she is upset that it wasn’t all about her. Which begs the question: If they reach the cure, will Stefan step aside so Elena can have it?

The Cave

Damon and Galen Vaughn, the new vampire hunter, are heavy on the search for Silas. But, Galen has had enough, and he is just about to kill Damon when Stefan and Elena show up. Damon tells Stefan to go on without him and help Elena find the cure.

Shane has Bonnie and Jeremy captive as they make their way to Silas’ grave. We discover that the only reason he wants the tombstone is because he promised it to the witch – it has no part of the actual cure. Shane makes Bonnie “vacuum up” Jeremy’s tattoo, which also makes Galen’s tattoo disappear. Along the way Shane breaks his leg, and Jeremy and Bonnie continue without him.

When they reach the grave they discover the only way to get the dose of the cure is to give Silas enough blood to awaken him so they can grab the vessel out of his hand. Before they can decide what to do Galen comes in and stabs Bonnie. Elena comes in, and we think she is going to save Jeremy, but it turns out it is actually Katherine! What?! She feeds Jeremy to Silas and then grabs the cure and bolts.

Have Your Say

Do you think Jeremy is really dead? What is Katherine going to do with the cure? Let us know!