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Pretty Little Liars: Season 3, Episode 19 :: What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted

Feb 13, 2013

This week on Pretty Little Liars (Season 3, Episode 19), Mona kicks Spencer off the debate team, while an elevator accident nearly costs Jason his life. Read the Kidzworld Recap of “What Becomes of the Broken Hearted” which aired February 12th, 2013 to discover what you missed!

If You Can't Be With The One You Love...

Aria and Wesley get chummy in Ezra's absense. When stopping by Ezra's apartment, she finds Wesley packing to leave. Then she gets a call from Cece, who hires her to do a last minute photography gig. Aria brings Wesley as her assistant. Later, she discovers that Wesley has no place to go at night, and plans to sleep in his car. So she insists that he stay at her house. This results in an inevitable kiss, which they both immediately realize is a big mistake.

Sweet Reunion

Hanna goes on a short road trip to visit Caleb's "Uncle" Jamie. She confronts him about her suspicions that he's actually Caleb's father. When Jamie admits that she's right, Hanna asks him to sit down for coffee with Caleb, insisting that he'll meet Jamie halfway. Caleb is harder to convince than Hanna expected, but he winds up agreeing. They wait at a cafe for a long time before Jamie shows up, and ultimately the reunion is sweet.


After Spencer flaked on the debate team, Mona convinces everyone that she should no longer be a member. This puts Spencer over the edge. She challenges Andrew to a strip world history competition, claiming that if she wins, he has to change his vote and get her back on the team. Later, Wren arrives under Mona's instruction to help stabilize Spencer. Spencer convinces him to take her to a restaurant where the debate competition is being held. And with the guise that she wants to wish Mona good luck, she winds up tackling her in a furious rage.

The Death Trap

Jason tells Emily the truth about the day Alison died. He wasn't sleeping the entire time like he said. He witnessed an argument, but because he was so drunk, he wasn't positive if it was real or if he imagined it. He and Emily go to Jason's father's office in search of a photograph and wind up getting stuck in the elevator. Jason pulls the doors open, allowing Emily to jump out. But as soon as she hits solid ground, the elevator falls. Fortuately, Jason survives. Just outside of Jason's hospital room, Emily and her friends convene to discuss what happened. Then a nurse asks where the patient went. Somehow, Jason disappeared.

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