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The Carrie Diaries: Season 1, Episode 3 :: Read Before Use

Jan 29, 2013

This week on The Carrie Diaries (Season 1, Episode 3), Carrie discovers the ugly truth about why her dad won't let her date Sebastian. Read Kidzworld’s recap of “Read Before Use,” which aired on January 28, 2013, to discover what you missed.

Defying Dad

Carrie is determined to see Sebastian, even though her dad refuses to let her date him. If only he'd tell her why. Curious, Carrie sneaks into her dad's client files (he's a lawyer) and discovers the goods on Sebastian. At his last school, he had an affair with a teacher! Her friends say he's bad news, but Carrie can't deny their connection. After attending an art exhibit with Larissa in New York, Carrie feels empowered to stand up to her father. But this only sparks a fight. Then when Carrie tells Sebastian that she knows the truth about him, he freaks out under pressure and tells Carrie that they'll never be together.

The Lost Hamster

Meanwhile, Dorrit steals a hamster and then proceeds to lose it in their house. While on the hunt, Maggie comes over seeking Carrie's help after stabbing her stuffed bear in a fit of drama queen rage. Carrie isn't home, so Dorrit offers to sew Maggie's bear back together while Maggie looks for the hamster. 

Mouse's Man

Mouse and her man each take a train to see each other, meeting up at the Manhattan art exhibit with Carrie. It turns out that he actually does like her, and he even called her his girlfriend.

Have Your Say

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