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SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?

Nov 07, 2012

On each season of So You Think You Can Dance, we celebrate a new winner. But what happens to these winners after they’ve received the title of America’s Favorite Dancer and $100,000 cash? Kidzworld has the scoop!

Season 1 Winner: Nick Lazzarini

It’s been seven years since contemporary jazz dancer Nick Lazzarini took home the first title. Since then, he became the first person to ever appear on the cover of Dance Spirit Magazine twice. Today he’s on the faculty of Jump Dance Convention where he teaches jazz and musical theater.

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 1 Winner: Nick Lazzarini

Season 2 Winner: Benji Schwimmer

Since winning season 2, lively swing dancer Benji Schwimmer has partnered with his cousin Heidi (also on season 2) to create instructional videos for swing dancing. He was featured in Christina Aguilera’s “Candyland” music video. He’s also worked with Paula Abdul, both as a choreographer and as a dancer. In 2010, he starred in a competitive dancing film called Leading Ladies. Now he’s passing on his knowledge of ballroom dance at various schools and dance conventions around the world. 

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 2 Winner: Benji SchwinnerCourtesy of FOX

Season 3 Winner:  Sabra Johnson

Contemporary dancer Sabra Johnson aspires to be on Broadway one day, but for now, her focus has been on teaching. She did a brief stint in the Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet Company, which was actually featured on the show.

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 3 Winner: Sabra Johnson

Season 4 Winner: Joshua Allen

Hip hop dancer Joshua Allen has been keeping busy by teaching dance. He spent a lot of time preparing for a role in Adam Shankman’s Step-Up 3D, alongside fellow SYTYCD contestants Twitch, Katee and Ivan Koumaev.

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 4 Winner: Joshua Allen

Season 5 Winner: Jeanine Mason

Contemporary dancer Jeanine Mason has been doing the guest appearance circuit. She even performed with her then-boyfriend Mark Ballas on Dancing With The Stars.

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 5 Winner: Jeanine Mason

Season 6 Winner: Russell Ferguson

Badboy krumper Russell Ferguson performed on the season 7 tour and on the 2010 Academy Awards. He also taught 2 Hip Hop Master Classes at Addicted 2 Dance.

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 6 Winner: Russell FergusonCourtesy of FOX

Season 7 Winner: Lauren Froderman

Contemporary dancer Lauren Froderman is working on a Gatorade ad campaign. After winning her season, she dated Season 3’s Dominic “D-Trix” Sandoval.

SYTYCD Winners: Where Are They Now?Season 7 Winner: Lauren Froderman

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