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The History of Board Sports

Jul 17, 2018

Board Sports are the coolest of all the performance sports. Most of these board sports such as snowboarding were invented by a total fluke. Thank God! Let’s look back and figure out some of the History of Board Sports!

Surfing Surprise

The very first Board Sport was definitely Surfing. Even before all the hippies in California were doing it back in the 1950s, the Ancient Polynesians from Tahiti were doing it back in the 1700s. It’s probably an amazing story because it was written that they were surfing on pieces of wood that were used to make canoes.

Surfing to Skateboarding

Pool SurfingFirst SkateboardersCourtesy of

Thank the surfers again to another great board sport. As the surfers became bored because the Ocean sometimes becomes flat and there’s no surf, they decided to take surfing to the streets. The first skateboarders were surfers who practiced their surfing skills while bombing down huge hills and empty swimming pools.


Invention on the SnowSnurfing to SnowboardingCourtesy of

From water to land and finally to snow, the surfers conquered all types of land by inventing snowboarding. In 1965, Sherman Poppen made a toy “Snurfer” for his daughter by attaching two skis together to make the skis feel more like surfing. But I’m sure snowboarding evolved out of many different interesting ways, like this one...


Very Many Variations

How to Board in DubaiSandboardingCourtesy of wikipedia

Board Sports have become a trend throughout the World. Now there is nothing that will stop these crazy variations of board sports. Here is the big list of all the different types of board sports:

  • Surfing
  • Windsurfing
  • Kiteboarding
  • Bodyboarding
  • Paddleboarding
  • Wakeboarding
  • Wakeskating
  • Skurfing
  • Kneeboarding
  • Skimboarding
  • Riverboarding
  • Flowboarding
  • Skateboarding
  • Longboarding
  • Snakeboarding
  • Carveboarding
  • Castorboarding
  • Freeboarding
  • All-terrain Windsurfing
  • Mountainboarding
  • Kite-landboarding
  • Streetsurfing
  • T-boarding
  • Snowboarding
  • Snowskating
  • Snowkiting
  • Sandboarding
  • Skysurfing
  • Hoverboarding (it’s coming!!!)


Have Your Say

What’s your favorite board sport? Let us know in the comments below!