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Dear Dish-It: How Do I Stop The Bullying?

Oct 03, 2017

Dear Dish-It,

I have been bullied for a while now and I don't know why. I'm not the slimmest or the prettiest, though I've been told that I have a great personality. What do I do to make the bullying stop, and what do I change about myself?


How Do I Stop The Bullying?How Do I Stop The Bullying?

Dear Bullied,

You don’t need to change a single thing about yourself. Bullies are an unfortunate part of life that nearly everyone faces at some point. Just because they tease you does not mean you have to make changes. Remember, the only reason bullies like to bring other people down is to make themselves feel better. It may not seem like it, but chances are your bully has low self-esteem, is depressed or is bullied at home. Because of that, he or she feels the need to take it out on others.

Why They're Bullying You

If you’re a happy person, your bully may want to bring you down a peg. He or she may use any excuse to tease you even if it’s not warranted, just to make you feel bad about yourself. But sometimes the things that a bully teases you about are the very things that the bully envies. And other times, bullies are just trying to look cool in front of their friends.

Don't Let Them Get to You

Next time you’re bullied remember that he or she is just trying to get a reaction out of you. If you can shrug it off likes it’s nothing or even laugh, eventually your bully will get bored and leave you alone. If that doesn't work, or the bullying escalates, you may need to confide in an adult you trust.

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