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Top 5 Back to School Gadgets for 2012

Aug 27, 2012

The sun is waning, the leaves are browning and whispers of back to school are in the air. Time to gear down with some fabulous new back to school gadgets for 2012!

No. 5: Kindle

Top 5 Back to School Gadgets for 2012KindleCourtesy of Amazon

The Kindle is a great way to keep books right at your fingertips. Not only does it have built-in wifi, but it gives you access to a huge collection of free books stored on the Amazon server. The functionality is great too, allowing you to highlight text and change the font and text size to your liking. It’s a great little gadget for all ages.

No. 4: Calculators

Top 5 Back to School Gadgets for 2012Calculator

Whether you need help with basic division or hardcore calculus, investing in a good calculator is always a smart move. Depending on the quality you’re after, calculators can run you anywhere from a couple dollars to over $200. So make sure you figure out what functionality you’re math teacher expects out of your calculator before making that investment.

No. 3: iPad 2

Top 5 Back to School Gadgets for 2012iPad 2Courtesy of Apple

Instead of investing in a laptop this year, why not go with a more modern iPad 2. Its light weight, touch screen design combines the functionality of a iPhone with the size of a Netbook. Attach a keyboard and mouse for easier note-taking or faster homework completion. Even though the iPad 3 is available now, the iPad 2 is $100 cheaper. There’s some bargaining power for you...

No. 2: USB Flash Drive

Top 5 Back to School Gadgets for 2012USB Flash Drive

Flash drives are a must-have for school and for life in general. They’re just about the most light-weight, compact gadget you can add to your back-to-school shopping list. And now you can get an 8G USB for under $6.00 making it one of the most affordable gadgets as well. Keep all your homework safe from copycats and computer crashes with an easy to use USB.

No. 1: Smartpen

Top 5 Back to School Gadgets for 2012Livescribe Echo SmartpenCourtesy of Livescribe

Are you the kind of person who has trouble listening and taking notes at the same time? Well, the Livescribe Echo Smartpen was made for you. It links the audio in the room to your notes, so as you write, the pen records! You can upload your notes and sound recordings straight to your computer. It’s a costly product at around $150.00, but if it means you make the grade, it’s totally worth it! 

Have Your Say

Which back to school gadget do you want the most? Tell us in our comment section below!