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Fall 2012 Nail Trends

Aug 27, 2012

It looks like the 80’s may be back, at least when it comes to nails. NEON is back, along with big bold color, bling and design. Check out the top 5 trends!

Flesh Tones

Flesh ExtesionFlesh Extension Nail ColorCourtesy of Cuchnie et Ochs

For the Spring 2012 Cushnie et Ochs runway show, Dashing Diva Nail Fashion Expert Pattie Yankee crafted a “flesh extension” look. Pattie mixed Dashing Diva’s Mr. Right nail polish with mineral makeup that matched the model’s skin tone. Trés fashion forward. Think you can try this at home without making a huge mess?

Nail Art

DotsDots and DesignsCourtesy of Biebergaul

The art of nail polish is back, with bold color shapes, polka dots, and natural non-flower shapes like leaves, vines, raindrops, starbursts, and comets. And for comically-minded gals, moustaches.


BlingBling!Courtesy of Biebergaul

Bling’s back, too, and this time it’s anything goes sparkle. From rhinestones to sequins to sparkles, if the nail artist can glue it on, it’s fair game.

Reverse French

Reverse FrenchReverse French ManicureCourtesy of Bella Sugar

The French manicure has been transformed and turned upside down. Top a natural nail with a brilliant color, and put an oval (kind of like a gibbous moon) at the bottom so it looks like an intentionally grown-out ordinary manicure.

Matte French

Matte FrenchMatte French ManicureCourtesy of Chalkboard Nails

Matte means not shiny, so in a matte French manicure, the base color is matte and dark – blues, reds, yellows and even black tones – with a shiny version of the same color or an accent color in the crescent at the nail’s tip.

Have Your Say

What is on your nails? Do you polish them at home, leave them neat or go out for a mani-pedi? Do you have trouble keeping your nails neat or do they grow on their own? Have your say here!