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NCAA Football 13: Playstation 3 Game Review

Reviewed by on Jul 30, 2012
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Football season is coming up once again. Get into the game with NCAA Football 13. Check out our game review for the details!

There is a lot of focus on the Olympics in London right now. Unfortunately, American football is not an Olympic sport. Luckily, football season is just around the corner! The release of of NCAA Football 13 by EA last week is just a sign of things to come.

Lucky Number 13

Last year's NCAA Football 12 had a lot to offer: a whole bunch of new tackle animation and physics, a new coach mode, and a new game mode. This year's game puts the focus on the quarterback, with lots of options for the quarterback. There are various pass trajectories, meaning you can pass to the same person in 25 different ways with different height and speed. There are also new quarterback dropbacks and pass animations. Heisman Mode has gotten quite a few cool additions. You can pick between various former Heisman winners and play a single modern day season with them on any team. However, aside from these changes to the quarterback position and addition to the Heisman Mode, NCAA Football 13 is very much like NCAA Football 12.

Does it Make the Grade?

The NCAA Football series tend to alternate between major updates and slight improvements. Last year we had the major updates and this year we have the slight improvements. As such, there is not much in NCAA Football 13 to get excited about. The new quarterback features are neat and add some skill and complexity to the game. If that is what you are looking for, then great! If not, then perhaps wait to see what Madden has to offer this year, or pick up NCAA Footbal 12 for cheap instead if you don't already have it.


Price: $59.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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