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X Games 2012 Preview

Jun 29, 2012

Summer + Sunshine + LA + Long weekend = X Games! Get your butt down to California this weekend to hang out with the X Games and everyone else partying in the long nights of the deep summer!

ESPN Coverage

Well if you can’t get to LA, you can always watch the events on ESPN. You can keep track of your favorite skateboarders, BMX riders, MOTO Xers and other extreme athletes on the website. You can see the entire schedule right here!

Linkin Park Live

X Games ConcertLinkin Park ConcertCourtesy of

Linkin Park will be the main stage act for music Friday Night. They will even be streaming the concert LIVE on MYSPACE. Check out this link for more information!

Real Street Records

“Real Street” is down to two final competitors, Manny Santiago and Collin Provost. You can vote on their video entees still and the winner will be announced on Sunday, July 1st, the last day of the X Games. Check out their videos below...



Have your say

Who do you think should win the X Games Real Street Competition? Let us know in the comments below…