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Top 10 Summer Olympic Events

Jun 19, 2012

The Olympics only happen every 4 years, so it's pretty exciting to watch all the best of the best athletes in the World. Here are the Top 10 Summer Olympic Sports.

Event MontageOlympic EventsCourtesy of

No. 10 – 10 M Platform Diving

The criteria… Whomever can make the smallest splash usually wins. Now that’s entertainment.

Great SplashHigh DiveCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 9 – Soccer

Since the USA dominates basketball, Soccer wins the most exciting team sport at the Olympics.

Medals for their kidsSoccerCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 8 – Women’s Synchronized Swimming

The ballet of the pool is one of the most loved events because we all do it when we’re on vacation at the hotel pool to entertain our parents.

Water BalletSynchronized SwimmingCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 7 – Rowing Single / Double Sculls

Rowing is becoming more exciting because of all the great advances in filming technology. With aerials from helicopters, a trolley cam following the leaders, and country flags superimposed on the water to identify the rowers, this is a really fun event to watch.

Sculls DoubleRowingCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 6 – 4 x 400 Meter Relay

As no one stands a chance to beat the Jamaicans in the 4 x 100, the 4 x 400 is a little more exciting.

American Winners4 x 400 M RunCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 5 – High Jump

The high jump represents the Olympics as the game of centimeters. The World Record is 8 feet high… can you believe that?

Olympic InchesHigh JumpCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 4 – Beach Volleyball

If anything else, this event is just so much fun cause it’s at the beach. It will be really cool when the Olympics adds Footvolley, beach volleyball with soccer moves only.

Olympic Summer EventBeach VolleyballCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 3 – Gymnastics

Ever since Mary Lou Retton landed a must-needed perfect 10 on the vault to win the Gold Medal for the USA back in the 80s… this event has been known to make everyone’s heart melt.

Mary Lou RettonGymnasticsCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 2 – 50 Meter Swimming Freestyle

It’s the fastest and most exciting event in the pool. It only lasts about 25 seconds!

Michael PhelpsSwimmingCourtesy of the Olympics

No. 1 – 100 Meter Sprint

Everyone wants to know who is the fastest person in the world so the 100 m sprint shows us the answer. Do you know who the fastest man in the world is? He can run the 100 m sprint in 9.58 seconds.

Usain Bolt100 M SprintCourtesy of the Olympics
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