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Get the Look: sk8r Girl/Boy

Mar 17, 2012

Sk8r style is about hanging loose and expressing your individuality. It’s about being sporty but not going varsity and wearing a warm-up suit. It’s about comfort and personal style first. It’s not about name brands, expensive logos or cookie-cutter-same-as-the-kid-next-to-you style.

Whether you’re a boy or a girl, sk8r style is pretty much the same, just with lighter colors and more feminine themes for the girls.


Skinny jeans are way in this spring for guys and girls, especially in bright colors or checkers, and these are the perfect embodiment of sk8r style since tight pants are easy to skate in.


Normal shoes don’t grip well on skateboards, so sk8rs go for the brands that grip: eS, Etnies, Fallen, Vans, DC, and World Industries. If you can’t find a pair you like, get a plain pair, decorate them with a sharpie, and add some colorful laces.


Band shirts are hot if they’re really bands you like. Target, [kwlink]26660]Old Navy[/kwlink] and Wal*Mart are good sources for inexpensive ones. Or go off the beaten path and check out the Threadless or Zazzle websites for video gamer, cartoon, TV, or smart humor themes.

Over a t-shirt, throw on a soft hoodie or plaid shirt. Keep it open and loose. In cooler weather, add a soft oversized sweater.


Skip the jewelry– bangles and necklaces get in the way of skating, so real skaters just don’t do it. Accessorize with a knit beanie, if you can pull off the look, or a messenger bag. Add cool stickers from your favorite bands or stores to your folders, messenger bag or skateboard if you have one.

Add color to your look, too. True style is wearing what you like and what you look good in, not just dressing a part. Even skaters wear rainbow high-tops and have favorite colors that aren’t earth tones!

Pick up a skateboard and give it a try. If you’re attracted to the look and the lifestyle, you’ll probably love the freedom and excitement of learning to skate!

Have Your Say

Is the sk8r look just for skateboarders? What’s your take on sk8r style – hot or not? Let us know in the comments section below.

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