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Guinness Book of World Records Day 2012

Nov 17, 2011

Did you know November 17 is Guinness Book of World Records Day? Over 300,000 people around the world will celebrate the day by trying to break (or make) world records.

Fitness Freaks

Groups across the United States are gathering to break various fitness records. An elementary school in Florida will be attempting the largest hula hoop workout, while a people in California will create the largest soul train dance.


In Illinois, a group of John Deere employees will try to build the largest canned food sculpture. They want to raise awareness for the importance of food banks. England will celebrate their love for tea by crafting the world’s largest tea bag.

Fun Stuff

In the Netherlands, a group of people broke the record for the largest Macarena dance.In Ireland, they had the largest gathering of leprechauns. And in the UK, they stuffed as many people as they could in a pair of pants!

Record Book

Each year, the Guinness Book of World Records releases an updated version of the book, containing the newest achievements. The Guinness Book of World Records 2012 was released on September 15, 2011. It has the latest records as well as a spotlight on record breaking celebrities and royal wedding fever. In honor of the 2012 end of the world conspiracy, the book has an entire spread dedicated to ancient civilizations.

What are some of the newest records? Stewie, a five year old feline, can claim the title of the world’s longest domestic cat. With over 2,429 knickknacks, a woman in the US has the largest collection of cow items. And a man in India has the longest moustache – it measure over 4 metres long!

Have Your Say

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