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The Vampire Diaries: Season 3, Episode 7 :: Ghost World

Oct 27, 2011

This week on The Vampire Diaries (Season 3, Episode 7) ghosts become visible and stir up trouble. Read Kidzworld’s recap of “Ghost World”, which aired October 27, 2011, to discover what you missed.


Mystic Falls is celebrating the night of illumination, which was started by the founders 150 years ago. Back then, they placed lanterns on their doors to indicate that it was safe from vampires and evil spirits. But, weird things have been happening in town. Vicki came back from the dead and tried to kill Elena. Now Tyler’s cousin Mason is haunting Damon. Bonnie finds a spell that allows them to see and interact with the ghosts around them, hoping she can figure out what they are really after.

The ghosts are all visible, but there’s no telling how long they will be back. Stefan sees Lexi (his dead best friend) who wants to help him before he is too far-gone. Lexi teaches Elena all she knows about saving Stefan from himself, so she can bring him back to the good side and turn his humanity back on.

Open Doors

Bonnie’s grandma reappears and tells her she has upset the balance of nature. When Bonnie sent Vicki back to the other side, the Original Witch left the “door” open, so anyone with unfinished business can travel through. In order to reset it, Bonnie needs to destroy Elena’s necklace. But, Jeremy’s ghost ex-girlfriend Anna has stolen the necklace so she can try to find her mom. Jeremy must decide who to trust: Bonnie or Anna. In the end he gets the necklace from Anna and helps Bonnie destroy it.

Recipe for Disaster

After a forced apology, Mason and Damon join teams once again to search for the ultimate weapon to kill Klaus. Turns out the Lockwood family as a special recipe to kill him. Mason takes Damon into his family’s old cellar, where he claims the secret lays. But before Mason can tell Damon where the necklace is, Bonnie makes the ghosts disappear again. But, Damon does find an old scroll with hieroglyphics on it – a clue to the history of the Originals.  

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