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Where’s My Water: iPhone Game Review

Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2011
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Help Swampy the alligator take a bath in Disney’s new puzzle iPhone app Where’s My Water. Read Kidzworld’s review for all the details.

Deep beneath the earth lives Swampy, a friendly alligator with a fondness for cleanliness. Armed with a bathtub and an entourage of rubber ducks, the only thing he is missing is a water supply. His human-like qualities have made him less than popular with the other gators, who have threatened to destroy his supply of water entirely. Players must find the quickest way to get Swampy a warm, satisfying shower before he collapses into tears.

Game Trailer

Dirty Digging

The major task in Where’s My Water is to get the water supply from point A to point B. But, it isn’t always that simple. In early levels, players need to dig through dirt using the touchscreen, making a tunnel for the water to flow through. But, as the game progresses the levels become more challenging and players are faced with new obstacles such as algae, traps and contaminated water. You will need to learn how to master the underground pipe system in order to win the game.


Where’s My Water contains 80 different levels that are presented in four chapters (Meet Swampy, Troubled Waters, Under Pressure and Sink or Swim). In addition to giving Swampy a shower, players need to collect rubber ducks along the way. These ducks appear in different places throughout the levels, so you often need to use your creativity to ensure they are all caught. If you can collect all of the rubber ducks in a level you will receive bonus points!

This is the perfect game to play on the go. As long as you have a few minutes you can complete at least one level. It is also enjoyable to play for longer periods of time because it is so addictive. Colorful graphics and a creative character make Where’s My Water a thoroughly enjoyable game.

Price: $0.99

Where's My Water Rating: 4

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