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Dolphin Tale Movie Review

Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Kidzworld reviews the inspirational film about a real-life dolphin who survived the amputation of her flukes (or tail fins). Dolphin Tale opened in theaters on September 23, 2011.

The Dolphin

Sawyer Nelson, an 11-year-old boy with few social skills and no passion in life, discovers a dolphin stranded on the beach, her tail tangled in a crab trap. She’s taken in and nursed by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s owner, Dr. Clay Haskett. Sawyer takes an unusual interest in the dolphin (named Winter by the doctor’s daughter) and begins visiting the aquarium regularly.

The Amputation

Winter’s tail is so damaged from the accident that the doctor is forced to amputate it. The rehabilitation process starts off slow. But Sawyer’s active role in her rehab helps Winter adjust. Soon she’s as good as new!

Bad News

But bad news strikes again. Winter’s new side-to-side swimming motion is unnatural for a dolphin. It’s creating a bulge that will eventually press on her spinal cord and kill her. Sawyer and the aquarium staff need to think of a solution…fast!

The Prosthetic Tail

When his cousin returns from the army with a leg brace, Sawyer gets the idea to create a prosthetic tail fin for Winter. He consults his cousin’s doctor, who agrees to tackle the job. But it’s not easy, especially when Winter rejects one tail after another. And time is running out. After a hurricane, the already-struggling aquarium runs out of funds. They’re forced to place all the animals in different aquariums. Unfortunately, without her tail, no one will take Winter. But Sawyer refuses to give up.

The Bottom Line

Dolphin Tale is based on a true story about Winter the dolphin, who plays herself in the film. It is a heart-warming and inspirational movie about friendship, sacrifice and never giving up. Take your whole family. They’ll love it! 

Have Your Say

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Dolphin Tale Rating: 5

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