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Hey Arnold! Season 1 DVD

Reviewed by on Sep 09, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Check out Kidzworld’s review of a Nickelodeon cartoon show called Hey Arnold! Even though the show went off the air in 2004, you can still catch all the action of the first season with this brand-new DVD release of the original 20 episodes!

About the Show

Hey Arnold! is a show on Nickelodeon that stars a Grade 4 kid named – you guess it – Arnold. Arnold lives with his grandparents in Hillwood. He has a best friend named Gerald. One girl in his class, Helga, bullies him a lot, but she really secretly likes him. Every episode of this show involves Arnold trying to help someone solve a problem or dealing with an issue of his own. There’s tons of over-the-top events that take place on the show, including meeting with superheroes and headless horsemen!

Episode List

You’ll be able to watch the original 20 episodes from Hey Arnold! on this DVD, including:

  • Field Trip: Arnold’s class goes to the aquarium and meets a miserable tortoise named Lockjaw
  • Arnold’s Hat: Helga steals Arnold’s hat to add to her bubblegum shrine
  • Operation Ruthless: Helga tried to knock her competition – a girl Arnold likes named Ruth – out
  • Sally’s Comet: Arnold and Gerald attempt to see a comet in the night sky by trying to get everyone in town turn off their lights
  • False Alarm: Eugene is framed for pulling the fire alarm at school

Hey Arnold! Fun Facts

  • The characters have four fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot
  • The city that the show takes place in, Hillwood, is based on a mixture of Seattle, Portland and New York City
  • None of the characters change their clothes, except to go to bed or play basketball

Hey Arnold! Season 1 DVD Rating: 5

Hey Arnold! Season 1Hey Arnold! Season 1Courtesy of Nickelodeon
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