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September 2011 Horoscopes

Sep 07, 2011

Happy Back to School! Summer may be over, but there's plenty of stuff to look forward to in September, which marks the start of a new school year. Find out more by reading your Kidzworld September Horoscope below! (Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO!)

Aries (March 21-April 19):

Feeling nervous or upset about going back to school? Don't let your attitude turn sour. A sunny outlook on life will help beat those back-to-school blues!
Love: Single? Sit next to that cutie you've been eyeing and strike up a convo! If you're attached, make a date to eat lunch together at least once a week - you may not have many classes together this year, but you'll manage to stay connected this way!


Taurus (April 20-May 20):

This year, make it your goal to stay as far away from drama as possible. That may sound a bit blah, but if you can strike a balance between being bored and being an emotional wreck, you'll have the most positive school year you can possibly have!
Love: Whether single or attached, there's just one thing you need to remember this year: if someone doesn't like you for who you are, they're not the right person for you.


Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Getting good grades, making friends, playing sports - you've got it all down pat. This year, add something really meaningful to your life by volunteering for a good cause through your school. You'll be glad you did.
Love: If you love being silly around your crush, that's cool. But if you plan on being their study buddy this year, make sure you know how to turn off the fun when it comes time to do homework or cram for a big test together.


Cancer (June 21-July 22):

If you had a bit of a falling out with one of your school friends over the summer, let it go and get your friendship back on track this month.
Love: If your crush isn't exactly how you want them to be ... too bad. You're never going to succeed in changing anyone, so if they bug you, just move on.




Leo (July 23-August 22):

It may be tempting to get right back into the gossip during this first month in school, but you're setting yourself up for a terrible year if you do, Leo. Cut it out!
Love: If your summer crush is turning out to be a fall failure, don't worry. There's likely to be lots of new cuties to get to know in school this year.



Virgo (August 23-September 22):

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO! Don't even think about slacking off when it comes to your school work this year, Virgo. It's time to buckle down and really it make it a goal to get the grades you want - you can do it!
Love: Talking will clear the air between you and your crush.




Libra (September 23-October 22):

New friends are yours to be had this school year! All it will take is a little effort on your part. Smile at the kid that sits next to you in class; strike up a convo with the guy who's got the locker next to yours; or ask your lab partner if they want to eat lunch with you in the caf!
Love: You may get some mixed signals from your crush this month; best not to try to interpret them yourself. Asking what's up will give you the answers you need.


Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

Your friends may pressure you to join a club or try out for a team that you're really not all that excited about. Or, they may encourage you to skip studying to go to the movies instead. Whatever it is, stay true to yourself and don't let peer pressure get the best of you!
Love: The flip side of your horoscope is, if you're willing to be brave and try new things - like cheerleading tryouts or running for school secretary - you may just meet a new crush as a bonus!


Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):

If you're already stressing about the big math test you'll have to take at the END of the year, or who you're going to take to the Christmas dance, here's some advice. Stop worrying so much about the future and focus instead on what's happening right now!
Love: Just like working on a group project, you can make things go more smoothly with your crush by dealing with issues together. Team effort all the way!


Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Keep up the hard work and all your school goals are bound to happen this year. Just don't forget to have a little fun along the way, too!
Love: Worried that being smart isn't helping your love life? Don't be fooled - knowing how to solve that tricky math question is totally irresistable to a certain someone in your class!




Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

Worried about an upcoming quiz or project? It may be time to get a little help from your friends by organizing a study party.
Love: If you're down because your summer crush is no more, remember: your broken heart will heal and you'll likely soon find a new cutie to crush on in class!



Pisces (February 19-March 20):

If one of your friends is being bullied at school - or even a new kid that you don't know - be a good person and help them out. It's time to stand up to bullying this year!
Love: Don't rush your school crush. You've got plenty of time to get to know each other - 10 whole months, to be exact!



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