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2012 End of the World Prophecies

Jul 28, 2011

If the "2012 End of the World" nonsense is freaking you out (i.e., you're thinking of building a fort in your basement with a year’s supplies of Twinkies and Dr. Pip, just in case) ... here are some good reasons why you don't need to panic! These “End of the World” Prophecies happen all the time ... usually because some people are trying to make a quick buck.

Y2K Koo Koo

It wasn’t too long ago when a theory called "Y2K" was predicting a doomsday that computers would all malfunction, causing the world as we know it to crumble to the ground when the clock hit midnight on the first day of the year 2000. In 1999 on New Year’s Eve, thousands of people prepared themselves for the end of the world by hiding in their basements. Newspaper headlines boasted that the ancient philosopher Nostradamus had predicted that black clouds would descend upon us and wipe out everything. Well ... nothing happened.

The weird thing is that all the end of the world theories had an excuse. “Oh sorry, we mixed up the numbers.”

Meltdown Money Makers

Lots of people think that, when it comes to the 2012 End of the World theory, people are only saying this stuff because they are making (or wanting to make) money through movies, books, selling bomb shelters ... unfortunately, a lot of people buy all this nonsense. So every 10 years or so, when the embarrassment of the last false end of the world prediction has died down, a new theory pops up.

The Real Facts

Polluted PlanetCourtesy of Healthnhealthy.com

Pollution is causing the Earth to become a very hard place to live for humans, animals and plants (stop driving cars!). Our Earth is slowly losing natural resources like water and oil because of too much human consumption and other factors. By learning about these real facts, you can take the world’s life into your own hands and try to prevent anything bad from happening to it. Be a leader!!! Don’t be scared of these “End of the World” rumors because they are as silly as hocus-pocus.

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