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Babysitting Mama Doll And Wii Game

Reviewed by on Apr 19, 2011
Rating: 4 Star Rating

If you love playing mama – or really wanna get some babysitting practice in – Babysitting Mama from Majesco is the perfect Wii game for you! It comes with a cute plush baby doll that you actually use to play the game!

Mini Games Galore

Babysitting Mama is filled with more than 40 fun mini-games that have you feeding, playing, burping and changing your very own baby. Because you place the Wii Remote in the back of the cute plush baby doll that comes with the Wii game, you control different games by moving either the doll itself or with the Wii Nunchuk.

Rock-a-bye Baby

For the games that involve the doll, you have to do things like pat your baby on the back when it needs to burp. But watch out: if you move the doll too harshly, the game will stop – you’re not supposed to handle a baby like that!

Besides changing diapers, some of the things you have to do in Babysitting Mama are:

  • Rock your baby to sleep
  • Feed your baby when it’s hungry
  • Play peek-a-boo with your baby
  • Take your baby’s picture

Video: Babysitting Mama Launch Trailer

Babysitting Mama Rating:4

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