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The Vampire Diaries: Season 2, Episode 17 :: Know Thy Enemy

Apr 06, 2011

This week on The Vampire Diaries (Season 2, Episode 17), Isobel returns and completes her master plan, resulting in significant changes in Mystic Falls. Check out our recap of “Know Thy Enemy”, which aired April 7, 2011.

The Plan

Isobel comes back to Mystic Falls and shows up at the Gilbert’s front door. Jenna, who thought Isobel was dead, is surprised and feels betrayed when she discovers Elena and Alaric both knew she was alive. But why has Isobel returned? Isobel immediately lets Katherine in on her plan. Isobel claims Klaus has agreed to keep Katherine alive if they can bring him the moonstone and the doppelganger, Elena.

First, she weakens Alaric so one of her accomplices can take him away. Then she stages a distraction so Katherine can kidnap Elena and pretend to take her place. Meanwhile, Isobel takes Elena and drives her to the cemetery. But, it turns out that Isobel was not on Katherine’s side at all, and was only trying to help Klaus capture her. Once they get to the ceremony she lets Elena go free. When Katherine wakes up she is in a room with one of Klaus’ men and Alaric. Klaus has taken control of Alaric’s body and is now possessing him.


When Luca’s dad died he passed a message on to Bonnie, telling her there is a secret spell she can use to harness the powers of dead witches. Bonnie and Jeremy go to the house where the witches were burned and perform the spell. However, the dead witches give Bonnie a warning that if she uses too much power she will die. Unfortunately, she needs to use all of the power to kill an “original.” Knowing this, Jeremy tries to keep Bonnie from moving forward with the powers.


Last episode, Matt found out the Caroline and the Salvatore brothers are vampires. This episode he tries to process the information. Matt corners Caroline’s mom and asks her why she hid the real cause of his sister’s death. He also tells her all about Caroline and the rest of the vampires. The two come up with a plan to get Caroline to tell them all of her secrets. Matt shows up at her house and gets her to tell him everything. Then he asks her to make him forget. However, before he got there he took vervain so she wouldn’t be able to control him. He leaves and immediately tells Caroline’s mom. What does he know? And who will they tell?

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