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Fantastic Pets Exclusive

Mar 24, 2011

Fantastic Pets is a Microsoft Kinect game that lets you create and play with the cutest or most bizarre pets that you can imagine! The game starts off by introducing you to Dr. Menagerie, your in-game uncle who discovers rare fantasy pets from around the world. He’s gone on one of his expeditions and introduces you to the house computer, Natalie, who will guide you through adopting your very first animal!

Pets Galore

Although there are four animal species in the game (dogs, cats, horses and lizards), you're only allowed to adopt one in the beginning. But you can earn the ability to look after four pets by proving that you have a good companionship with your pet by playing with them.

Talent Shows

One of the unique features of the game is the talent shows. You can compete in talent shows and, when you win, you will be able to unlock new awards, new pet customization options and improve your trainer ranking.

Customize Your Pet

However, the most unique feature of this game is the pets, of course! This is the first time you can customize and play with your pet on screen through the Microsoft Kinect. You can customize the body size, fur texture, color, pattern, feet, horns, eyes, tail, wings, ears of your pet - there's even unlockable “epic” pet skins. Here are just a few, but there are several unique patterns per pet type.

First off is Cyber Dog! He’s found in game by sending Dr. Menagerie off to explore North America:

Cyber DogCourtesy of THQ

Second is Wilderness Pony! She’s found in the African continent:

Wilderness PonyCourtesy of THQ

And the last one we can show you right now is Robo Kitty! She’s found in the Antarctica continent:

Robo KittyCourtesy of THQ

There are over 20 other unique animals that can be discovered in game on top of the millions that you can create!

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