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Mars Needs Moms Movie Review

Reviewed by on Mar 12, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Milo didn’t appreciate all the things his mom did for him. That is until she was abducted by aliens! Kidzworld reviews Mars Needs Moms, which hit theatres on March 11, 2011.

Abducted By Aliens

Milo (Seth Green) was sick of being told what to do. Life would be better without a mom to make him take out the garbage and eat his broccoli. But when aliens take his mom away in the night, Milo’s instincts take over. He chases the aliens to their spaceship and accidentally hops on board. Too late to turn back now. He’s going to Mars!

Rescuing Mom

On the red planet, he meets a human named Dribble who lives above the garbage dump. Milo enlists Dribble’s help to rescue his mom, but their plans backfire when they nearly wind up being vaporized by the aliens and their evil supervisor. But one rebel alien named Ki is eager to help. Unfortunately, the hours are dwindling. Milo must rescue his mom before sunrise or her memories will be stolen and her body will be vaporized.

How Mars Needs Mom Was Made

During the credits at the end, viewers get to see how they made the movie so lifelike. Did you know that actors don’t just record their voices anymore? They act out the scenes wearing bodysuits and sensors to track their movement. Cool, huh?

The Bottom Line

Mars Needs Moms was yet another realistic, action-packed, heartfelt animated movie that will leave you smiling. If you love 3D movies, definitely check this one out in theatres.

Mars Needs Moms Movie Trailer

Mars Needs Moms Rating: 5

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