According to Chinese culture, 12 animals – called the 12 signs of the zodiac – represent certain years. The animal that symbolizes the year you were born in is your zodiac sign. For example, 2011 is The Year Of The Rabbit. Babies who are born in 2011 will be represented by the rabbit. Find your year and animal below and check out what 2011 has in store for you!
The Rat
Birth Years: 1984, 1996, 2008
Love Matches: Dragon, Monkey, Ox2011 Horoscope: It's going to be a pretty good year for all you rats out there. You'll have a lot of work to do - tons of projects, essays and assignments - but you're not afraid to buckle down and get things done (on time!). Your creative juices are also flowing in 2011, so don't be afraid to put your greatest ideas out there and take the lead when it comes to projects that you need to do as a team or group.
2011 Love: Love is in the air ... but not until later in the year. When you do meet someone you think may be special, be careful that you choose wisely - the right person will make you super happy, but the wrong person could just as easily make you wish 2012 would hurry up and get here already!
The Ox
Birth Years: 1985, 1997, 2009
Love Matches: Snake, Rooster, Rat2011 Horoscope: Our best advice to you this year is to stay away from any arguments or disagreements - far away! You don't want to wind up in the middle of a fight that had nothing to do with you in the first place!
2011 Love: Wow, this is a year that's extremely lucky in love for you! Not only will you have lots of good times and make tons of great memories with your family and friends, but you may even find yourself slipping into a relationship with your biggest crush!
The Tiger
Birth Years: 1986, 1998, 2010
Love Matches: Horse, Dragon, Dog2011 Horoscope: If you feel like you've got more work on your plate than you can handle - homework, housework, whatever - the best thing to do this year is to try not to complain too much about it. Complaining less and working more will get things done, and you'll have plenty of time left over to enjoy yourself (it even looks like there's an exciting trip in store for you in 2011)!
2011 Love: Your crush is likely going to feel a bit neglected, what with you being so busy and all, which is understandable. Try to schedule your year so you have some free time to spend with them. And don't forget to communicate - telling someone how you feel can make them feel better, even if you don't have all the time in the world to spend with them.
The Rabbit
Birth Years:1987, 1999
Love Matches: Sheep, Pig, Dog2011 Horoscope: What can we say, rabbit? It's your year! Things will go well with school, family and friends this year. There's even signs of lots of money coming your way - as long as you're willing to work hard to earn it. Maybe start looking into getting an after-school job or some work in the summertime.
2011 Love: If you're in a relationship, your bond will grow stronger than ever this year. If you're single, you'll be surprised by how often love come knock, knock, knockin' on your door!
The Dragon
Birth Years: 1988, 2000
Love Matches: Rat, Snake, Monkey, Rooster2011 Horoscope: There won't be too many ups and downs for you in 2011. That can be a good thing, as school will go smoothly and your family won't seem as annoying as they usually do. But it also means you may feel a bit bored at times. We recommend you start thinking about things you've always wanted to do - like join the basketball team or take an art class - and do it!
2011 Love: You're pretty possessive by nature, and this is something you're gonna have to keep in check in 2011. Your crush doesn't wanna feel "owned" by you - you need to give them the freedom to be themselves and trust that they're not doing anything "bad" when you're not with them.
The Snake
Birth Years: 1989, 2001
Love Matches: Ox, Rooster2011 Horoscope: It's smooooooth sailing this year for all you slithery snakes out there! We also recommend that you try taking charge a little more often this year. If you're given a group assignment, try taking the leader role and see how far you can encourage the rest of your team to take their talents!
2011 Love: It looks like you're gonna have a couple of crush situations going on this year, but if you're looking for something a little more long-term, you may have to wait it out until 2012.
The Horse
Birth Years: 1990, 2002
Love Matches: Tiger, Dog, Sheep2011 Horoscope: You love being surrounded by friends and family - not to mention, being the center of attention wherever you go! Sometimes other people can get turned off because of that, but this year you'll be making new friends like crazy! There are also a lot of big changes on the horizon for you, horsey, and your family is going to go on a big, exciting trip in the middle of the year..
2011 Love: On the romantic front, single horses are gonna meet their dream partner this year. If you and your crush are already hanging out, it's gonna turn into something real and long-lasting. And if you're already totally coupled up, you'll get closer to your BF or GF in the next 12 months!
The Sheep
Birth Years: 1991, 2003
Love Matches: Rabbit, Pig, Horse2011 Horoscope: While the first half of the year may seem really hectic and out of control for you, you can help make the second half a whole lot calmer by doing a little planning ahead of time. Also, don't get into any arguments with your elders - teachers, principal or mom or dad. You won't win.
2011 Love: The one warning we have in the love department is to be really cautious if you meet someone who wants to jump into a big, fat relationship with you right away - we recommend that you run the other way as fast as you can!
The Monkey
Birth Years: 1980, 1992, 2004
Love Matches: Dragon, Rat2011 Horoscope: Monkeys, listen to your gut more this year. You know, that little voice inside your head? Well, if it's shouting at you loud enough, it's probably right.
2011 Love: Learning more about your crush at the beginning of the year will go a long way. We don't mean you have to go all stalker on them. Just pay attention and find out what they like to do - maybe you share some common interests that can help you spark a conversation with them one day!
The Rooster
Birth Years: 1981, 1993, 2005
Love Matches: Ox, Snake, Dragon2011 Horoscope: Health is really important for you this year. Stay active, even when it's cold out, and eat right. You may also come to some pretty serious conclusions about what you wanna be when you grow up, too.
2011 Love: Got your eye on a special someone? Don't waste any time - ask them out right away! If you're crushless at the moment, it's a great time to start joining more clubs and groups in and after school - someone you may not have noticed before may catch your eye that way!
The Dog
Birth Years: 1982, 1994, 2006
Love Matches: Horse, Tiger, Rabbit2011 Horoscope: A subject that seemed tricky to you in school up til now will, all of a sudden, make perfect sense! In fact, don't be surprised if one or more of your friends come to you asking for a little homework help - you'll be known as the whiz kid in your class!
2011 Love: It's very important that you keep the air clear with friends, family and crushes this year. Dragging out a fight is never a good idea - you're better off when you're in everyone's good books.
The Pig
Birth Years: 1983, 1995, 2007
Love Matches: Rabbit, Sheep2011 Horoscope: Pig people are usually a little too sensitive and hardly ever forget about any of the good or bad things that other people do to them. Well, that can be a little frustrating to some of the people you're close with - try loosening up and not keeping so many tabs on people all the time this year!
2011 Love: Pigs will have a lot of chances for getting into a relationship in 2011. So get up and get going for an exciting year of love and romance - even if the relationship's a short one, it's still a good experience to have.
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