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Dear Dish-It: Don't Wanna Do Drugs

Dec 01, 2010

Dear Dish-it,

A lot of my friends and people in my neighborhood are doing drugs and I am extremely close to trying them. How do I keep myself away?


Don't Do Drugs!Don't Do Drugs!

Dear J318,

Drug's are tough stuff. But it IS possible to go through life with people doing drugs all around you and NOT do them yourself! I did it, and you can, too! instead, use all the negative experiences of the people who ARE trying drugs around you as motivation to stay as far away from them as possible!

Think about how dangerous the drug scene can be. You may feel pressured by your friends or neighbors to try them, or you might even be a teeny bit curious - but don't ever give in to that stuff. As long as you can remember how important it is to stay true to yourself and to do what you KNOW is right for YOU, you’ll be able to fight any temptation and stay away from drugs.

If you need to, get away from the people in your hood who are doing drugs - and stay as far away from them as possible! Look for new friends and people to hang out with who don't do those things - and stay close top them. They'll help you stay on the right path and they won't put you in dangerous situations by doing drugs.

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