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Graffeeti Shoes

Nov 11, 2010

Graffeeti shoes are the only shoe you can write on and erase off! Check out Kidzworld's review right here.

Graffeeti ShoesGraffeeti Shoes

Express Yourself!

Ever drawn on your shoe and then regretted it later? Graffeeti shoes let you "graffiti" all over the shoe and then easily erase it off! The ultimate in self-expression footwear, Graffeeti comes with a non-toxic dry erase mini marker that's holstered to the side of the shoe. Use it to draw and redraw on the white writing surfaces on the toe and sides of the shoe. If you're not happy with your designs, just erase it off with your hands or a soft cloth and start all over again!

Styles and Colors

These shoes are made of canvas and come in two styles. The Hi Notes, or high-tops, are available in royal blue, black and pink and sell for $40.99 US, while the Lo Notes (low-cuts) come in blue and black for $38.99 US. Each shoe comes with a six-pack of dry erase pens in blue, green, yellow, red, orange and pink (how come there's no black?). You can also buy a replacement pack of pens for $6 US.

Bottom Line

Graffeeti shoes look like Converse knock-offs - except instead of an All-Star label, there's a "tag... you're it!" phrase written on the side of the shoe. That could be a lil' embarrassing for older teens, but younger kids will definitely get a kick out of drawing all over their shoes!

For more info, check out!

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