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Sweet Scents

Aug 17, 2010

Choosing your own fragrance can be a daunting task - there are so many out there to choose from! It all depends on your personal preference for how you want to smell - do you prefer floral, fruity, sweet vanilla or musk? A favorite scent can also be a great mood lifter - just a spritz can perk you right up! Even though we all love to sample different perfumes, there’s always one that we think of as our signature fragrance. We love how a couple of pretty bottles of perfume can transform our dressing tables! We’ve narrowed down for you what we think are the sweetest scents out there right now but of course you be the judge! A good trick when testing out multiple scents at a shop is to sniff coffee beans in between scents to clear your sense of smell and some department stores may even some available for you! Let us know what you think of our top perfume picks!

Perfume Talk

When shopping for a perfume, it’s important that you know the difference between what “eau de toilette” and “eau de parfum” mean. Different concentrations of scents in a fragrance make some perfumes more intense and long lasting on the skin. A body spray, splash or fragrance mist is the least strong of the scents and lingers on your skin for the shortest amount of time. An “Eau de Parfum” is usually the most intense version of a fragrance and will last the longest before you have to re-apply. This is why sometimes the price is a bit higher. An “Eau de Toilette” is a bit lighter and lasts a bit longer. If you want to make a scent last extra long, layer it with the matching body lotion, it really works! This doesn’t mean that one is better than the other - just test it out for yourself and see which ones you prefer!

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