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Host Your Own Fabulous Fancy Nancy Soiree!

Aug 16, 2010

Celebrate summer by inviting friends over for a tea party – Fancy Nancy style! Fancy Nancy has the most fabulous (that’s a fancy word for great) ideas on how to throw the most magnificent tea party!


To celebrate the fabulous release of the Fancy Nancy Tea Party Time! video game this fall, THQ shares some fun and easy tips on how to host your very own Fancy Nancy tea party …

Fancy Nancy Tea Party

    1. Select a spectacular theme. Be as ornamental as you can be!
    2. Pick a charming location, and get your guests’ excited by taking them to different locales without leaving your own backyard. For example, Nancy loves speaking in French.  Host a French-style tea party, complete with French foods and desserts. Fancy up the menu and invites with French words.
    3. Prepare edible arrangements and delectable treats.  Surprise guests with petite hors d’oeuvres or squared cucumber sandwiches.
    4. Set the table with your most colorful and fanciest tea sets.
    5. Pin The Tiara on Fancy Nancy! Get a poster of Nancy. Blindfold your guests and have them tape a paper tiara on the poster. Whoever is the closest to Nancy's head, wins a splendid prize!
    6. Have your guests create a fancy party hat and beautiful jewelry complete with all the glitter, jewels and ribbons one can find. Ask guests to bring their favorite fancy dress-up item, such as a boa or a tutu.
    7. Don’t let anyone leave without a spectacular goodie bag filled with costume jewelry, delicious candy and a variety of tea samples!
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