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Quiz the Coach :: Flexibility Fast?

Jul 30, 2010

Question by Sharice

I’m as flexible as a toothpick and I want to be in gymnastics. How do I get flexble fast?

Ooooh slow down Sharice. No one gets flexible fast. Increasing your flexibility is one of those amazing things in life that takes patience and dedication. The reward is always worth the while. However if you go too fast you might just snap that toothpick accidentally.

How To Improve

Serious StretchingSerious Stretching

Even though improving your flexibility is a long process, there are many things that you can do to speed up the process where you will see results every day. Here’s a quick list:

  • Do Yoga
  • East lots of fruits and vegetables that help joints improve flexibility
  • Make a stretch for every muscle (neck, arms, back, abs, legs, knees, feet etc.)
  • Stretch while watching TV
  • Never stretch with pain
  • Always stretch after working out to avoid muscles and joints from cramping up

Measurement Motivation

Sit Sit

Keeping track of your flexibilty improvement is important. You may not realize that you are actually becoming more flexible because the improvements are so small and you won’t see them with the naked eye. Find some way to measure your sit & reach, and your splits so that you don’t get discouraged. If you see the numbers improving everyday, you’ll stick with it.

Best Benefits

You would be surprised how rewarding it is to be flexible. Not only does stretching make you flexible, but it also makes you lose weight, increase coordination, and prevent injuries.

Remember improving your flexibility is a long process, so please be patient to see results. Join that gymnastics class even if you are stiff as a toothpick because that class will help motivate you to do your stretches more often.

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