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Crazy for Carrots: Grow Your Own

Jul 21, 2010

There are tons of different varieties of carrots. If you wanna grow some on your own, look for seeds for multi-colored carrots that will actually grow yellow, red, white and even purple carrots! Baby carrots are also super-easy to grow and ready to pick when they’re just a tiny bit longer than your fingers!

What You’ll Need

  • Carrot seeds
  • About two square feet of garden space or a container at least one foot deep filled with potting soil
  • Mulch
  • Trowel or spade
  • Hose or watering can

Where, When & How Long

Plant your carrots in full sun or part shade during the hot summer months, preferably between March and August. They’ll be ready to pick just 70 days after you plant the seeds!

Follow These Steps

  1. Turn the soil in your garden really deep with your trowel or spade. If your soil is hard or there are rocks mixed in, your carrots won’t grow straight.
  2. Plant the seeds according to the directions on the seed package.
  3. Water gently, as carrot seeds are so tiny they can easily get washed away. Check every day to see if the soil needs water. The seeds will sprout in about two weeks.
  4. Once the carrot leaves are four inches tall, spread two inches of mulch around the plants.
  5. As the carrot grow they’ll need more room. Gently pick enough small carrots so that the ones that are left have three inches of space between them. And don’t throw those tiny carrots you just picked out! They’re yummy to eat!
  6. When you can see the carrot tops poking through the soil, they’re ready to pull – and ready to eat!
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