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The School for Dangerous Girls Book Review

Jun 16, 2010

Angela’s mother couldn’t take it anymore. Angela’s behavior, her lowlife boyfriend[/kwlink], her connection to a death. She was dangerous. And her mother was out of options.

Hidden Oak

Hidden Oak is a school located in the middle of nowhere, where dangerous girls are sent to learn their lesson. There are strict rules, doors that lock you in, and teachers who act like tyrants. It’s the last place Angela wanted to go.

The Coven

Angela may be angry at life, but she doesn’t belong at Hidden Oak. And she quickly learns that many of the other girls don’t belong either. Angela and three of her friends create a Coven. They sneak into the grounds at night, hide in a fallen tree house, and tell each other the one thing they're forbidden to discuss—their pasts.

The Escape Plan

Quickly, the authorities divide the girls. One group has a chance to recover from their dangerous ways. But the other group is labeled hopeless, and they are treated worse than vermin. If only the police could see what goes on at Hidden Oak. If only their parents believed them. Somehow Angela needs to turn her “if only’s” into reality.

The Bottom Line

The School for Dangerous Girls by Eliot Schrefer is a great book for teens that shows human nature in all its forms, from good to bad to ugly. Do people labeled “dangerous” or even just “troubled” deserve to live in barbaric conditions? Do they deserve to be thrown into freezers as punishment? You be the judge when you read The School for Dangerous Girls. And let us know what you think about Hidden Oak’s punishments in our comments section below.

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