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World Juggling Day

Jun 16, 2012

If you’re a bowler, grab some pins… if you’re a daredevil, grab some torches, if you’re a monkey, grab the oranges because the bananas are for eating… it’s time to start juggling for June 16th, 2012: World Juggling Day. Juggling will be celebrated worldwide by many different organizations and teams that are trying to spread some fun for people of all ages.

Teaching Talents

Group ShowGroup Show

Juggling is something for everyone. It’s a skill that promotes hand eye-coordination and rhythm, which can enhance your skills from juggling a soccer ball to dancing and acrobatics. It’s also pretty fun. You can do it so many ways, and there is such a curve of skill levels that some people have made it into their careers.

Participation Prizes

Doggie DareDoggie Dare

So the whole idea of World Juggling Day is to get people to plan some type of juggling show or event on Saturday June 16th, 2011. There is even a website that is giving away prizes for anyone that gets involved. It’s really easy to register and you could win juggling equipment, balls, DVDs and instructional media. 

Website Stuff

If you don’t know how to juggle yet, there are some great websites that can teach you. has the easiest explanation to teach a beginner with some great visuals to make things nice and easy. If you want to get into some tricks like “over-the-rainbow” , check out this guy doing some tricks on youtube… he has a bunch of different videos.



So make sure to get into the spirit of juggling this week. It can be a great school project or just something that you might be able to do to entertain your younger sister for 20 minutes to give your mom and dad a break from babysitting.

Have Your Say

What is your best juggling trick? Let us know!