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World Oceans Day

Jun 04, 2021

World Oceans Day happens every year on June 8th in honor of our, magical, mysterious ocean! So much about our ocean is still unknown, but one thing’s for sure: our ocean’s in trouble. From overfishing to floating islands of garbage and oil spills, it’s time for us to get together and put an end to the destruction of our ocean!

Why We Should All Celebrate World Oceans Day

Celebrate World Oceans DayWorld Oceans Day

The world’s oceans:

  • Make most of the oxygen we breathe
  • Help feed us
  • Regulate our climate
  • Clean our drinking water
  • Give us medicine
  • Are amazing and inspiring!

Help save the ocean animalsHelp save the ocean animals

Save Our Ocean for the Future!

Take part in World Oceans Day events and activities to help protect our ocean for the future! It’s up to each and every one of us to help make sure that our ocean is protected and conserved for future generations. World Oceans Day lets us:

  • Change perspective: Encourage your friends and family to think about what the ocean means to them and what it has to offer to us all.
  • Learn: Discover the many amazing ocean creatures and habitats, learn how our daily activities affect them and how we are all connected.
  • Change our ways: We’re all connected to the ocean! By taking care of your backyard, for example, you are acting as an ocean caretaker! Making small changes in your daily habits will greatly help the planet!
  • Celebrate: It doesn’t matter whether or not you live on the coast by the ocean. – we’re all connected to the ocean. Take the time to think about how the ocean affects you, how you affect the ocean and what you can do to help conserve it!

The Seven C's for Ocean Conservation:

  1. Commit to making a real difference: Reduce the amount of energy you use at home. Ask your family about upgrading to green appliances that use less energy, getting a hybrid car that uses less fuel and changing the light bulbs in your home to bulbs that save energy.
  2. Consume consciously: Only buy things you really NEED, buy more GREEN products and buy food and seafood that’s grown locally, close to your home, and harvested in a sustainable (environmentally friendly) way.
  3. Communicate your interests and concerns: Share your concerns about a healthy ocean with your friends and family, teachers, coaches, kids in your school, etc.
  4. Challenge yourself daily: It’s not always easy but try to walk, bike, carpool, and take the bus to cut down your coral-reef harming habits – but try to do it anyway!
  5. Connect in your community: Meet new friends and make a difference by getting active as a volunteer with a local watershed or ocean group.
  6. Celebrate our ocean! Take part in a World Oceans Day activity near you or plan your own for June 8!

World Oceans DayWorld Oceans Day