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Super Mario Galaxy 2 Preview

May 21, 2010

Kidzworld took and exclusive look into the new Super Mario Galaxy 2! Available for Nintendo Wii on May 23rd!!

Top Super Mario Galaxy 2 Features:

  • Co-star mode: 2nd player can jump in at any time and help you collect Star Bits and kill enemies
  • Cosmic Guide: Characters will help you and guide you through a level if you keep dying in the same place. They can finish a level for you, but you receive a Bronze star opposed to gold star. You cannot complete the game without all gold stars
  • Tip Network: These are new screens that show you what to do
  • Yoshi is a use-able character!
  • You can earn Luigi and use him as a player
  • Fire Flower: You can throw fire
  • The world layout is like a map and gives more structure
  • Comet Metals: collect them throughout – 1 per level. The more you collect the more you unlock

Play as Yoshi!

  • You can ride Yoshi
  • Blub Yoshi: He eats a bulb berry and become a light bulb and can see in the dark
  • Yoshi wears boots, so you can maneuver through mud and it does not slow you down
  • Yoshi's tongue can eat anything and certain fruit gives him power. He can even grab plants
  • Dash Yoshi: He eats hot peppers which makes him runs= really fast and can dodge enemies

New Suits and Items in Super Mario Galaxy 2:

  1. Drill Suit: Shake the remote to drill through the dirt and you can through pipes
  2. Rock Suit: You become a boulder and crash into enemies
  3. Cloud Mario: A cloud comes under you and you can move from platform to platform

Planet Mario

Planet Mario is the home base for the game and where you will go after you get a star. All of the stars you collect are what powers the ship!

Swimming Mario:

  • Can swim or ride shells, which makes you swim very quickly
  • Can throw shells at enemies
  • Stomp on red buttons to turns the water to ice. This enables Mario to go skating!

Check out the exclusive launch party this Sunday, May 23rd in Toronto, Ontario, Canada! A surprise character will be making an appearance. And its FREE!!

Toronto Launch Party :: Super Mario Galaxy 2Toronto Launch Party :: Super Mario Galaxy 2

What Video Games are Dropping This Week?

  • May 23rd - Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii
  • May 25th - Blur for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC
  • May 25th - ModNation Racers for PS3 and PSP
  • May 25th - Pirates Plundarr for Wii