Family, friends, boys ... dental drama?! Find out what Raina Tegemeiers book Smile is all about!
Smile Rating:
Author: Raina Telgemeier
Kids all over the world have one thing in common: they hate going to the dentist! Even if it's just for a routine cleaning and checkup - there's almost nothing worse than having to lay back in that chair, mouth hanging open, totally helpless, while the dentist comes at you with sharp, pointy tools and asks you why you haven't been flossing! That's what this graphic novel is about. Well, mostly.
Smiley Story
Smile is a true story written by Raina Telgemeier. It all started when she was 12 years old and on her way to her friends house. She tripped and fell, knocking out her two front teeth. What followed were several years of awful dental procedures: retainers, fake teeth and professionals with job titles Raina couldn't even pronounce!

But Smile isn't about Raina asking for your pity - and the entire story isn't spent in a dentist's chair. Rather, the teeth thing is a device the author uses to explore other themes that most teenage girls in America will be able to relate to, including crushes, popularity, siblings and those awful, awkward phases of puberty. It's a sweet and simple story that basically says, "Don't worry. The things you're going through right now - the braces, the acne, the growing pains - it all works out in the end!
Great Graphics
We love the illustrations in this graphic novel. They're big, bright, bold and pretty true to life - in a cartoony sort of way, of course. The main character, Raina, is bouncy, brunette and adorable - even when she's drawn with her two front teeth missing following her accident at the beginning of the book!
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