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Pledge of Allegiance Feedback - Page 2

Jan 08, 2019

Last week we wrote about the court case that was filed in California about the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tons of Kidzworld members sent us their thoughts on this controversial case. Take a look at what Kidzworld peeps have to say: - page 2

I think the Pledge should stay how it is. If you have a problem with the words "under God" you can still say the Pledge but leave those words out. For example there was this Jehovah's Witness girl in my class a couple of years ago and every morning when we said the Pledge she would just sit quietly at her desk. Also if people are so offended by God then that means that they can't use American money because the dollar bills say, "in God we trust." I don't think we should alter the ENTIRE American tradition just because a handful of people believes it's wrong.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: shmagie
Age: 12

I think it should stay, and if Dr. Michael Newdow does not agree his daughter should say the Pledge of Allegiance, then she shouldn't have to.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: ScoobyAndDaphne7
Age: 11

I think that they should keep it the same since the judge that said that had to swear under it too.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: coolboy41
Age: 11

If they're so worried about the Pledge saying "under God" then why don't they take the saying "In god we trust" off money? Also, we learn a lot from God and there shoudn't even be a little problem.
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: SSprincess
Age: 11

I think the Pledge should stay the same. If this California guy doesn't believe in God, that's his deal. He shouldn't say the Pledge of Allegiance if he is offended by it.
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: QTPie101
Age: 12

I think they should not change the Pledge of Allegiance because the nation is under GOD. God created the earth and everything is under Him because he created everything and he watches over the earth. So, like I said, everything is under Him. So, if I was the Judge, the Pledge would stay the same in every state. That's all I have to say.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: Krystyle
Age: 12

Click here to read some more Pledge of Allegiance responses.

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