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Skate 3 :: XBox 360 Game Review

Reviewed by on May 13, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

In Skate 2 you became a pro. Now you are ready to make your own team and business. Does Skate 3 own or should we kill it? Check out our review and find out!

Skate 3 is not much of an improvement over Skate 2. There is nothing mind bogglingly different since last year. Still, if you loved Skate 2 or skateboarding games in general, Skate 3 has enough new features to earn a recommendation.

The Next Step

In Skate 2, you made a name for yourself as a pro skater. The single player game in Skate 3 has you building up your own team and skateboard business. The goal here is to earn money, as career score is measured in board sales. Skate 3 has more tricks available, a great park editor, and lots of modes and features, including team events.

One of the nice features of Skate 3 is with the challenges, where you can either "own it" or "kill it". To own a challenge is usually easy and you can always come back to do all the extra hard tricks you need to kill it. This is good for people who are new to skateboarding games who would otherwise be stuck forever on some challenges.

Most of the online and single player events return from Skate 2. In fact, only a few are new, like the Hall of Meat event where you purposefully try to crash and hurt yourself.

Life's Tough at the Top

One of the biggest complaints about Skate 3 is the terrible AI. In team events, your teammates are horrible. Sometimes they cannot even score a single point in 90 seconds! Also, computer controlled characters will constantly get in your way while you are trying to do tricks, which can get annoying very fast. Finally, the game does run into some lag every now and then, which can screw up your timing for tricks.

Pro or Noob?

Although Skate 3 does not have much new to offer, it is still a very solid game that is great for new and experienced players. The online features are especially great.


Price: $59.99

ESRB Rating: T for Teen

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